Goth Subculture is Just Mainstream Culture Wearing Black Lipstick.

An oft-repeated refrain in goth groups and on goth pages…Also: A complete fucking Lie.

I’m entirely done with the lack of diverse representation in the major goth outlets. Tired of an endless parade of white girls with the same body type over and over again from magazines/instagrams like Gothic & Amazing.

(Seriously. Scroll through their page, tell me if you see anything other than the same shape we’re bombarded with everywhere else within the first minute of scrolling.)

I’m tired of pages dedicated to “showcasing the beauty of goth” showcasing the same thin white gals that every mainstream magazine shows — just dressed up. Newsflash: Not all goths are copies of Dani Divine. There are tons of goths out there — goths who are fat, goths who aren’t white, goths with disabilities… But where are they?

Not for show there. Posting in the most popular goth groups on facebook if you’re fat will end in the same bullshit you get for posting on instagram while fat. Goth supposedly prides itself on being a subculture that finds beauty where others do not: which apparently, only applies to the thinnest outer layers like black lipstick, corsets and side cuts.

I’m done with it. I’m tired of asking goth to do better. I’m tired of expecting goth to do better. It’s sad that a group of black-clad weirdos subscribes to the same tired ideas and standards about what constitutes “beautiful” as the mainstream does, once you strip them of their black clothes and facial piercings. It’s not even just sad, it’s fucking pathetic.

Until you’re willing to try to find beauty in fat bodies, disabled bodies, bodies with obvious disfigurement, non-white bodies… You’re just shallowly parroting an ideology you don’t genuinely subscribe to.

You’re not “willing” to see beauty where others don’t just because you don’t think skulls are spooky and you like serial killer “aesthetic”, but still hate fat people, Absinthe Darkshade. You’re just a shallow wannabe.



Roz K. Canaan || Fat Twink Dracula ️‍⚧️

Roz ♥ 29 ♥ Queer Trans Man ♥ Fat Vampire ♥ Luciferian ♥ Eclectic Pagan ♥ Recovering Atypical Anorexic ♥ Fuck Purity Culture ♥